Dignity for Women


- Enabling vulnerable girls and women to access menstrual hygiene and preventing sexual abuse;
- Providing medical and psychological care to young girls who are victims of sexual violence and supporting their social reintegration;

- Promote access to secondary education for girls.


Access to menstrual hygiene

Creating production units within refugee and IDP camps to manufacture sanitary products. These production units allow women to develop an economic activity while providing an innovative solution to the lack of access to sanitary products.

Access to sanitary products is an opportunity to raise awareness among young girls about reproductive health and sexual abuse prevention.

Medical and psychosocial care for young girls who are victims of sexual abuse

Building and equipping health centres dedicated to the care of young girls who are the victims of sexual violence and training gynaecological surgeons on treatments for specific illnesses, such as obstetric fistulas.

In addition to improving medical care, AMADE supports abused children in the long reconstruction process necessary for their reintegration.

Promotion of girls' access to secondary education

AMADE is at the forefront of building and equipping secondary schools to promote access to quality education for girls.

Particular attention is paid to the quality of education provided, through teacher training and access to educational content.

AMADE supports the schooling of girls through the allocation of scholarships.


See our interactive brochure


Promoting menstrual hygiene management among 1,000 internally displaced girls and women

Health - Dignité for Women

1. Strengthen the capacities of young girls and women in the IDP sites of Kaya and Ouagadougou in terms of menstrual hygiene management.

2. Increase the economic opportunities of adolescent girls and women beneficiaries through income-generating activities.

3. Strengthen the organizational and institutional capacities of the social enterprise Palobdé Afrique and the Palobdé association.

Burkina Faso

In progress

See details

Encourage the access of intermediate students in Burundi to menstrual protection

Health - Dignité for Women

– Improve the sexual and reproductive and menstrual health of the intermediate students and young women

– Increase the local production capacities of personal protection

– Improve the knowledge of communities, particularly young women, to menstrual, sexual, and reproductive health

– Allow the widest possible target group, notably vulnerable young women and girls, access to washable and reusable sanitary pads and improve their menstrual hygiene



In progress

See details

Improving school coverage on the Ganguel Plateau

Education - Access to secondary education for young girls

- Improving the access to quality education to children living in the intervention area

- Promoting the access to secondary education, especially for young girls

- Preventing early marriage and promoting child registration


In progress

See details

Access to Intimate Hygiene for Women and Girls in Mungote Refugee Camp

Health - Dignité for Women

To support the empowerment of refugee populations through the development of income-generating activities (IGAs) as well as to enhance the protection and living conditions of refugee women / adolescent girls by facilitating access to affordable sanitary napkins.

Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The


See details