Message from the President

Her Her 

More than 50 years ago, having been particularly moved by the situation affecting Vietnamese children, my mother decided to act in favour of child protection. Soon after, the World Association of Children's Friends was born.


Now boasting a network of partners deployed over four continents, AMADE helps more than 40’000 of the most vulnerable children each year.


While significant progress has been made in recent years in terms of access to primary education or in the reduction of infant mortality, children unfortunately continue to suffer massively throughout the world, as victims of abuse, trafficking, or poverty.


AMADE's commitment to the protection and development of children is more relevant than ever.


The mobilization and trust of everyone, from the field operators to the partners, and the valuable support of our work, will enable us to face together the challenges that await us now.


H.R.H. The Princess of Hanover