AMADE is launching an urgent operation to lend support to Ukrainian women and children, the first collateral victims of the conflict that began last February. Today, there are over eight million internally displaced persons (IDP), the majority of whom are women and children.
ALIMA (The Alliance for International Medical Action), AMADE’s partner present on site, is implementing the rehabilitation of the maternity ward of Mykolaiv in the Oblast of Mykolaiv, sixty kilometres from the front line, regularly affected by violent shelling.
AMADE wanted to focus its aid in favour of this hospital, responding to the priority needs identified by ALIMA: supply of new surgical and obstetrics equipment and training for health staff in paediatric care.
Moreover, since the start of the conflict, women have faced an increased risk of abuse, notably sexual violence. Access to emergency contraception, to treatments for sexually transmitted infections and abortion remain complex in wartime. AMADE supports training sessions for the health staff of the Mykolaiv region, to raise awareness of sexual violence and first aid in the event of sexual aggression to ensure victims receive the support, care, and treatment appropriate to their situation.
For more information about the project: