Niger, one of the poorest nations in the world, according to the latest ranking of 2018 Human Development Index (HDI), faces many challenges including access to education. The Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4: Ensuring access for all to quality education seems difficult to achieve. According to The Global Partnership for Education: "Coverage of universal primary education and completion of primary education are hindered by high population growth (7.2 children per women), low enrollment and high dropout. Access and completion rates are even lower among vulnerable groups, especially girls in rural areas. "
In light of this, AMADE, in partnership with SOS SAHEL, initiated a project to improve school coverage on the Ganguel Plateau, a rural area near Niamey. This project, which is part of the "Dignity for Women" program, aims, in particular, to promote girls' access to education.
It resulted in the construction of 8 classrooms in 6 primary schools, the rehabilitation of two blocks of two classrooms in Saga Fondo College and the construction of a new block of latrines for girls. The college library was stocked with books, all middle school students received textbooks, and the classrooms built or renovated were equipped with tables, benches and tables. Nearly 1,500 students saw their working conditions change with the construction of new buildings.
A municipal management committee (COGES), made up of representatives of the local authorities of parents and teachers, has been set up to raise the awareness of the community (community leaders, village chiefs, imams, marabouts, etc.) on the need for schooling. girls and prevent early and forced marriage. The awareness campaigns concerned about fifteen villages.
Thanks to this project, while at the national level the colleges only host 17% of girls, at Saga Fondo secondary school one out of every two pupils is now a girl.
This project is expected to expand in the coming years to other colleges in the region, thanks to the momentum created with local communities and the creation of new classrooms, the development of latrines and libraries in rehabilitated colleges.
Photography :
Smiles of some students from Komba Primary School, who have been enjoying new premises for a few months. From left to right and from top to bottom Hadija Amadou, Saratou Oumar, Mariam Djibo, Fati Bouraima and Aissatou Ali. © LA