Age: 14 years old
Year: 7
Family situation: He is an Orphan or Vulnerable Child (OVC) from a native family of five children, where he is the eldest. Two of them attend school but the others are too young.
What do you think of your school?
Vicomte: I thank God that I'm here
Are you happy to be a part of this establishment?
Vicomte: I really like the school, everyone is kind to us.
What do you like about it?
Vicomte: I liked how they treat us well, it's a beautiful school, and how they do everything so that we can have a good future at least.
What don't you like?
Vicomte: I like everything about this school.
What do you think of the teachers?
Vicomte: I like how they teach and I like their advice.
What do you think of the classes that are taught?
Vicomte: I think they're good and interesting.
What are your favourite subjects?
Vicomte: I like all of them, but I prefer maths, french, IT, public spirit, entrepreneurship, history and geography.
What activities would you add?
Vicomte: Maybe handball.
What was your life like at the boarding school and how did it change you?
Vicomte: My life in boarding went really well and I learnt a lot about living with and helping other people, and how to love each other.
A part from classes, how do you spend your time?
Vicomte: I really like to read cartoons and comic books such as Marsupilami, Aladin and others.
What do you think of the canteen?
Vicomte: Yes, I would be really happy to have one.
What would you like to see in it?
Vicomte: Donuts, Sambousas, Fanta etc.
During the school year, did you feel any different to the others?
Vicomte: No, we get along well with the other students and we like each other a lot.
How do you decide who is a friend?
Vicomte: I look at their behaviour, if they get into a lot of fights - I don't like to fight with other people.
Do you get along well with the other kids?
Vicomte: We get along really well. One day, when we were playing basketball together, one of my friends was attacking and we crashed into one another and he fell down, but then I said sorry to him and it was all good.
Is there a good ambience amongst students?
Vicomte: The students get along really well.
Is there a good ambience between students and professors?
Vicomte: The students get along well with the professors and they listen and follow their instructions.
Is there a good ambience between students and supervisors?
Vicomte: Same as for the professors, we get along well with the supervisors and we do what they ask us to do. Equally, if we ask them to do something they do it happily.
How was this school year for you?
Vicomte: It went really well.
Are you happy with your results?
Vicomte: Yes very satisfied; I had really good marks, my family will be very happy.
What do you want to do later on in life?
Vicomte: I want to become a surgeon.