In France, 807 minors who had exhausted all the alternative measures to detention were incarcerated on March 1, 2019. Among them, 130 incarcerated minors depended on the interregional management of Marseille. According to information report No. 726 (2017-2018) by Mr Michel AMIEL, 75% of detained minors return to prison within five years. Innovating in the approach to delinquent youth therefore constitutes an educational emergency.
Following requests from the Marseille Penitentiary for Minors (EPM) and schools as well as the experience acquired with young people in conflict with the law in the Philippines, the ACAY association initiated the Second Chance program. Marseille in 2014. This program is built around three axes of intervention in order to prevent delinquency among pupils with educational difficulties (prevention axis), to curb recidivism among imprisoned minors. (rehabilitation axis) and to support minors released from prison in their reintegration (reintegration axis). AMADE and ACAY have been working together since 2017, the funding allocated amounts to € 71,120.
Nowadays :
4,291 middle and high school students were made aware; o 80 imprisoned minors benefited from specialized support and 53 participated in socio-educational training;
5 families of young people in detention were supported;
9 young people were supported in an open environment on their release from prison.
Building on the expertise developed and the results obtained, and aware of the challenges of dropping out of school, the incarceration of minors and their 11/19 reintegration, it is proposed to continue the partnership established three years ago, in in order to provide young people in difficulty with the keys to building their future and reintegrating into society while targeting activities linked to rehabilitation and reintegration.
In this context, and in collaboration with Gingando pela Paz, partner of AMADE in DRC, ACAY wishes to strengthen its training and support offer in detention by integrating a social capoeira activity. This pilot project will contribute to the reconstruction of emotional ties and the appropriation of values essential to community life, such as trust, respect, cooperation and solidarity, in synergy with the programs developed by ACAY for young prisoners.
Likewise, it is proposed for 6 young people in reintegration, and with a view to their professional integration, to support them in obtaining their driving license. Mobility difficulties are indeed an obstacle for these young people in terms of access to employment or vocational training.
Within schools: Prevention
- Conferences to the student.
- Socio-educational training.
- Conferences to raise awareness of the dangers of addictionZ
Within the penitentiary institutions: Rehabilitation
- Conferences in 4 penitentiary institutions with incarcerated minors.
- Socio-educational training and individualized support for minors in detention.
- Letter exchange with young people under the care of ACAY in the Philippines.
In an open environment: Reintegration
- Support for reintegration into society for minors in detention and for minors after the prison “Support et relais dans la cite”
- Parental guidance for 5 families with minors in prison
- The 1,500 participants will have identified modes of success: perseverance, surpassing oneself, confidence in oneself and in others, decision-making, guiding one's choices.
- 34 young people (20 young people in detention and 14 students) will have initiated a relationship of mutual trust and will have created new friendships, engines of change.
- The participants will have been made aware of service to others and solidarity.
- 28 students who have followed the annual training module for dropping out of school will have been re-mobilized in their school career.
- 25 young people in detention develop a better knowledge of themselves.
- 50 families will have a better understanding of life at EPM and the role of detention as a basis for a reintegration project into society, which helps to reduce the concerns resulting from separation and the unknown of the incarceration.
- 5 families expressed their view of the young person, have a better understanding of their child in his social environment and have entered into a process of reflection regarding their parental role.
Seconde Chance Marseille
Project status
2017 - 2020
87 120 €
- 100 minors imprisoned at the Penitentiary Institution for Minors in Marseille, at the Detention Center for Women (Minors) at Baumettes in Marseille, in the Minors' Quarter of the Avignon-Le Pontet Penitentiary Center.
1,400 students enrolled in middle and high schools.
- 28 students attending St Vincent de Paul college in Marseille (3rd SEGPA classes). These classes are based on different teaching methods and seek to create a new dynamic in academically fragile students but willing to re-mobilize around a training project.
- 15 former French prisoners, followed upon their release from the Marseille EPM or other penitentiary establishments in the event of transfer.
- 5 families of young incarcerated minors. -
ACAY France
ACAY Philippines
Marseille City Hall, Ministry of Youth and Sports
South Region
Colleges and High Schools in Marseille, Paris and Priziac -
Contribute to the prevention of early school leaving for young people in difficulty and to the rehabilitation and reintegration of young minors in conflict with the law.