Creation of a training center dedicated to social capoeira in Goma-1

Since the launch of the "Capoeira for piece" project in Democratic Republic of Congo, over 9 000 children, including 1 700 girls and 3 084 child soldiers, directly benefited from this initiative that involves the practice of capoeira in integration program towards demobilized children from armed groups and forces, as well as other vulnerable children.

The Congolese trainers are pupils to Brasilian capoeira masters, as Flavio Saudade, who took part in the launch of the project. Through this initiative, they managed to develop a true expertise and made the practice of capoeira a supporting lever to the process of insertion of vulnerable children; as was shawn in the project led by HCR on the border between DRC and Central African Republic, within the Zongo refugy camp, in order to promote dialogue and cooperation between muslim and christian refugies.

The impact of this project was welcomed by former UN's General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon during his visit in DRC in 2016, and justified an extension to a larger number of target beneficiaries, including victims of sexual abuses under the care of Heal Africa and the Panzi Foudation, AMADE's partners.

In view of the results of the pilot phase cited above, Gingando pela Paz has a real expertise in the practice of social capoeira and social inclusion in areas of conflict. They will therefore lead the project of creation of a training center dedicated to social capoeira in Goma.

This center aims at training specialized educators and children, as well as establishing a support program adpated to the target beneficiaries. An evaluation mechanism will also be set up with the local partners.


Completed activities

Creation of the Congolese branch of Gingando pela Paz in Goma

Identification and renting of the building that will house the Center

Layout of an interior and exterior space that comply with safety and hygiene standards

Developments of links with partner organizations and focal points at governement and community levels

Formalization of partnerships with local actors

Set up of the pedagogic framework


The training center is created and acknowledged by the authorities

A first network of partners and a support program are implemented


Creation of a training center dedicated to social capoeira in Goma

  • Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The


  • Project status

    In progress

  • Duration


  • Funding

    95 956 €

  • Beneficiaries

    Educators of the partner organizations who will receive a technical and pedagogic support

    250 young people

    50 girls

  • Partners

    Gingando Pela Paz, SOFIBANQUE, UNICEF, UNHCR, MONUSCO, Heal Africa, Panzi Foundation, CAJED, PAMI, Maison des jeunes

  • Objectives

    Integrate the use of social capoeira in child protection program through the creation of a training center.